The no-bullshit statement is explained as follows: the book is written in as simple language as possible, without any cryptic words that are never explained. The book authors never ask you to trust anything blindly (on the contrary!) and try to provide references to experience the statements made in the book.

You must understand that it is horribly wrong to follow the text of this book blindly. The authors try their best to explain things in plain language and provide exercises required to reproduce the experience. Never trust this book because it says something. See if you can reason with the statement logically first, then see if you can come to the same conclusion based solely on your experience.

This book references Buddhism in a few places. This book is not a Buddhist practice, nor it is tied to any other organized religion. You are free to believe in anything you want. Buddhism is only referenced in relation to a set of meditative exercises and is practical and not mystical. The exercises in question are reasonably easy to reproduce. You should never trust any Buddhism doctrines because this book is referencing them. Apply your best judgment and study the options. You are not required to follow Buddhism as an organized religion.

You are free to follow only those parts of this book that you find reasonable and acceptable for your beliefs.


Like any writing, this work can include mistakes. If you find some statement that is not explained enough, is dubious or requires further notes, we would love to get your feedback (use the + button to the right of the paragraph to leave a note).

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